A wonderful morning of celebration for Caserta’s Vanvitelli neighbourhood thanks to the new state-of-the-art synthetic football pitches made with recycled rubber which have been donated to the city thanks to the Protocol against End-of-Life Tyres dumping in the Terra dei Fuochi (the so-called “Land of Fires”).Signed by the Ministry of the Environment, the person in charge of fighting the fires in Campania, the Prefectures, the cities of Naples and Caserta, and Ecopneus in 2013, this Protocol has already allowed to remove over 22 thousand tonnes of End-of-Life tyres from the roads of over 40 councils of this territory.


The ribbon-cutting ceremony will be in the presence of the Minister of the Environment, General Sergio Costa, and of the local authorities. Also the Mayor of Caserta, Mr Carlo Marino, the deputy Prefect in charge of contrasting the phenomenon of waste fires, Mr Gerlando Iorio, and Mr Giorgio Pisano of Ecopneus have also taken part to the ceremony.



The kick-off of the Minister of the Environment, General Sergio Costa


Choreographic dances and a lot of sport. Over 100 boys and girls have taken part in the sports activities coordinated by Caserta’s UISP Committee.


The city of Caserta celebrating among colourful balloons and entertaining gadgets.