Sports is on recycled rubber!

At UnoMattina on Rai1, the many sports applications of recycled rubber. Also Gek Galanda is with us. Enjoy the programme!   The General Manager of Ecopneus, Giovanni Corbetta, was a guest at UnoMattina on 21st February. UnoMattina is an important Rai morning...

The great journey with Conad reaches Frosinone

A lot of sport – but not only – is waiting for you starting from today and until Saturday during the Frosinone Stop of the CONAD’s Great Journey, thanks to UISP – Italian Union Sports for Everybody, partner of the initiative together with Ecopneus. Indeed, many of the...

At Festambiente sport is played on recycled rubber!

This year Festambiente will have a new sports area. Obviously it will be done its way, with a state-of-the-art 3×3 Tyrefield basketball court made with over 4,000 kg of recycled rubber from End-of-Life Tyres. Thanks to Ecopneus, the main company responsible for...